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Anne Rush : Community Arts' Projects


As an artist who resides in Nelson city I am also very interested in how arts projects interface with the local community to generate quality interactive art experiences for local citizens and visitors. In turn this particular activity gives opportunities for artists to create, innovate and collaborate in site specific projects that contribute to the cultural fabric of the region. The Nelson region has a long history in this area.


Notable examples include:-

Suzy Moncrief and the creation of the various facets of Wearable Arts. (WOW)

Kim Merry and The Nelson Mask Parade.

Annabel Norman and Sophie Kelly - The Nelson Arts Festival


I have had a specific hand working in teams on the following projects to name a few:-

The setting up of Nelson Regional Guide Books and Nelson Bays Arts Marketing Network


The Maitai School – Artist in Schools programme


Dress the City – for the Rugby World Cup


Light Nelson – For extensive information on this new Nelson event see: